jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Rest of the presentations.

Hi everyone! This post is dedicated to you, we want to thank you your expositions, we learnt a lot and we had a good time as well. You expositions are really innovative and give us ideas to keep developing a or teaching skills. We’re glad to share the same classroom with all of you. And, of course, special thanks to the fabulous native speakers that help us to improve our level of english, we will keep learning of you.
See you soon!

Daniel and Aida

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Multiple intelligences.

Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligences. Every human has skills, abilities and potential, but they’re very different in each one. The intelligence is something that can improve with training as someone that goes to the gymnasium to rain develop the muscles a person can develop the mind. But as we mention this is different because every person has divergent characteristics. So we cannot affirm that someone is more intelligent than any other one, because the intelligence is not possible to measure in all the areas. To make conscious about how is the human mind, Howard Gardner develop his theory dividing the intelligence in different types:

  • Visual-Spatial: Imagine in someone that has to orientate through a map. This makes someone have easier to understand what his position in the map is.
  • Bodily-kinesthetic: All sports players need this intelligence to develop their activity, from football players to dancers.
  • Emotional: The ability of understand the other (interpersonal) and yourself (intrapersonal), very important to keep social relationships.
  • Musical: Develop your mind to play instruments and even compose your own music, this needs musical intelligence.         
  • Linguistic: The way you are able to write a text and understand text from other writers that helps to comprehend different written information easily.
  • Logical –Mathematical: Understand the mathematic language and apply it to a specific activity like architecture or physics, for example.

Daniel and Aida.
